Committee on Public Works & Transportation

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Committee Responsibilities

The Committee on Public Works and Transportation is responsible for budget and performance oversight relating to highways, bridges, traffic, vehicles, taxicab regulation, maintenance of public space, recycling, solid waste management, water supply, wastewater treatment, and regional public transportation issues.

Committee Membership and Contact Information

Committee Chair:         Tommy Wells, Ward 6
Committee Members:   Jim Graham, Ward 1
                                  Mary M. Cheh. Ward 3
                                  Muriel Bowser, Ward 4
                                  Harry Thomas, Jr. Ward 5

The Committee is located at The John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 117, Washington, DC  20004, Telephone 202-724-8195, Fax:  202-724-4724.

The members of the committee staff are:

Jonathon Kass, Committee Director
Anne Phelps, Committee Counsel
Daniel Conner, Policy Advisor
Tawanna Shuford, Committee Constituent Services Director

Agencies under this Committee's Purview
• Department of Motor Vehicles
• Department of Public Works 
• Department of Transportation
• District of Columbia Bicycle Advisory Council
• District of Columbia Pedestrian Advisory Council
• District of Columba Water and Sewer Authority
• District of Columbia Taxi Commission
• Soil and Water Conservation District 
• Washington Aqueduct
• Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Upcoming Hearings

June 8, 2011, 2:00 pm
Wilson Building, Room 123

Hearing on proposed legislation:
- Public Space Permit Fee Waiver Amendment Act of 2011 (Bill 19-0223)
- Parent and Child Safe School Drop Off and Pick Up Act of 2011 (Bill 19-0014)
- Pedestrian Safety Reinforcement Amendment Act of 2011 (Bill 19-0291)

June 20, 2011, 10:00 am
Wilson Building, Room 123

Hearing on proposed nominations:
- DC WASA Board of Directors Allen Lew Confirmation Resolution of 2011 ( PR19-0186)
- DC WASA Board of Directors Adam Clampitt Confirmation Resolution of 2011 ( PR19-0187)

June 24, 2011, 10:00 am
Wilson Building, Room 500

Hearing on proposed nomination:
- Director of the District Department of Transportation Terry L. Bellamy Confirmation Resolution of 2011 (PR19-246)

FY2012 Budget

On Wednesday, May 11, 2011, the Committee unanimously approved the budget recommendations presented by Councilmember Wells. Posted below are the opening remarks by Councilmember Wells and a draft copy of the report (once committee staff incorporate comments made during the committee meeting, we will update with a final copy of the report).

Opening Remarks: Tommy Wells Opening Remarks, 2011-05-11 Budget Mark-up.pdf
Draft Budget Report: DRAFT Committee Report and Recommendations for FY2012, Public Works and Transportation.pdf
Press Release and Summary of Committee Action: Click Here