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Youth Mentoring; Filling the Void PDF Print E-mail
Written by John White   
Friday, 27 June 2008

On Wednesday, June 25th the Committee held a hearing on B17-745, "Youth Mentoring Recruitment Incentives Amendment Act of 2008." Councilmember Wells heard testimony from nine organizations that provide mentoring services to the youth of the District.

The bill provides three incentives to entice mentors to get involved:

1) a $2,000.00 tax deduction would be available for mentors through qualified programs and with appropriate documentation
2) businesses that allow their employees to take time from their jobs to mentor would be eligible for a $10,000.00 tax credit (again, qualified programs and appropriate documentation needed)
3) District government employees could use accrued leave for their mentoring activities

There is currently an enormous unmet need to recruit new mentors.  One organization, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the National Capitol Area, testified that they have 250 children currently awaiting mentors and all of the other witnesses agreed that the District needs more mentors.

This bill and its companion, B17-752 "Office for Youth Mentoring Establishment Act of 2008," seek to meet this need and provide for a centralized clearinghouse for matching mentors and youth to agencies that can help.

The following organizations and individuals testified at the hearing and provide mentoring services (feel free to contact them for more information or to sign up as a mentor):

College Bound -- www.collegebound.org
 Mahlet Getachew, Program Coordinator
 (202) 842-0858 ext. 106

The Hoop Dreams Scholarship Fund -- www.hoopdreams.org
 Theo Brannum - HDSF Program Director
  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop -- www.freemindsbookclub.org
 Tara Libert
  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

East of the River Clergy Police Community Partnership, Inc. -- www.ercpcp.org
 (Project NIA Mentoring Program: Mentoring With A Purpose)
 Theresa F. Gibson, MPA or James Worthen

Mentoring ToDAY -- www.mentoringtoday.org
 Whitney Louchheim, Chief Operating Officer

Readers have left 2 comments.
(2) Untitled
2008-07-08 01:43:51
Is there any local organization that focuses on mentoring youth with disabilities?
Thanks for the resources.
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